Safe and Trusted Bingo Sites
For the most part, when I hear the insta-response some bingo players give when you ask if they play at any online bingo sites ‘I don’t deposit money online.’ I just shake my head at their ignorance.
Billions of dollars are spent on the Internet every single day, and still there are some that live back in an era that we spending money online wasn’t considered safe, and no companies that operated online websites where you could make purchases were to be trusted.
Well folks, welcome to 2016, we’re halfway through, and we’ve been spending money online for about a decade now.
That rant aside however, you do need to use some care when you’re spending money online, just like you do when you’re spending money offline right? If you’re buying your clothing at a store with no sign, located in the heart of the worst neighborhood in town, then who’s to blame when they won’t take it back after the seam rips out a day later? You didn’t shop at one of the most trusted stores in the industry, you did zero research, and you got just what you paid for right?
Well the Internet works just the same way. If you’re shopping for a safe and trusted bingo site, you’ve already made the first step, you’re researching. You’re in luck too, this is one of our favorite topics, and we’ve already done a ton of the research for you!
Publically Traded Bingo Sites
Nothing says to me that I’m at one of the hundreds of available safe and trusted bingo sites available online like ‘publically traded’. Not only do they have a reputation to uphold (and we know how fast news travels online.. ) they have stock holders to answer to. This is one of the reasons that so many online bingo sites stopped doing business in the United States following the passage of the UIGEA in America. The UIGEA doesn’t really make playing bingo online illegal, but it does make the waters a bit grey, and stock holders do not like grey. They much prefer green; blue (chip) isn’t half bad either.
Bingo Sites with Longstanding GOOD reputations
Another way to spot a safe and trusted online bingo site is to find one that’s been around, and well-spoken of for years. Take Bet365 for instance, this site runs a poker site, a bingo site, a sportsbook, and an online casino, and they’ve been doing so successfully for quite some time. Bet365 was founded in 2000, that’s at least 12 years of experience in a fairly young industry. That to me says trustworthy.
Licensed and Legally Regulated online Bingo Sites
Another safeguard for online bingo players are licensing agencies that legally license online bingo sites, and then regulate their activities.
xBingo – Trustworthy? Or Bingo Scam Site?
Let’s use xBingo as our example here. xBingo was only launched about a year ago, so on that fact alone, I’d recommend that players stay clear of that site. In fact, I’d be leery of online bingo scam possibilities added to the fact that new bingo companies are certainly not instantly reliable.
However, looking a bit deeper into the site’s owned and operated by Mandalay Gaming Holdings Ltd. So there’s a name I recognize as having history and experience in the gaming industry. Digging a bit deeper, I also see that under the Online Gambling Regulation Act of 2001 xBingo was legally licensed to operate under the regulation of the Isle of Man Gaming Supervision Commission.
Now I’m feeling that I have found a safe, and trustworthy online bingo site. I also know that if I ever change my mind, and feel like I’ve been wronged by this bingo site, I have the Isle of Man Gaming Supervision Commission available for complaint resolution.
This research however is just the icing on the cake as far as safe and trusted online bingo sites go. If you’re ever in search of a safe bingo site to enjoy online, you can rest assured that we’ve done the research, and that we don’t just list any bingo site on this page. If you see a banner or a link to a bingo site anywhere on this website, you can feel confident when clicking that link to visit the bingo sites page.
In fact, before you click through to the bingo site, press ctrl d on your computer’s keyboard and bookmark this page so you’ll be able to find us again.
We’ve done the research, and we have made a conscious decision to trust that the bingo sites we promote are safe and hold up to our stringent standards as trustworthy bingo sites.